Digicon conducts training in the Netherlands for European partners
In addition to developing and offering high-tech, robust, and reliable equipment and systems for various global segments, Digicon also provides support to its partners. This way, they are always prepared to support all markets, providing security for the end customer who purchases the company’s products.
In 2020, Digicon began a partnership with a Dutch company to distribute the brand’s products to the markets of Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Due to their high capacity and professionalism, the company quickly expanded to other markets such as Romania, Italy, and Denmark.
Considering the partners’ great interest in deepening their knowledge about Digicon’s products, the distributor showed the need to update its team. Thus, Digicon developed a training program for its Catrax, dTower, dGate, and dFlow product lines, divided into two stages – remote and face-to-face.

In the first stage, participants were granted access to a virtual learning platform with graphics, technical drawings, presentations, videos, and a test to assess their knowledge. This stage began in December 2022 and extended until early January 2023.
The second stage, held face-to-face in the Netherlands, took place between January 23rd and 27th, 2023, and featured the presence of a Digicon product specialist. With over ten years in the company, the technician has participated in implementing systems in important installations such as hospitals, factories, and airports.

The training was focused on the practical learning of participants about product configuration, installation, and maintenance. This training model is available for all Digicon partners.